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Interested in micro-internships for UMKC students? Check out the UMKC Parker Dewey website.
Posted by Danielle Rueger-Miroewski on Jun 21, 2022 9:15 AM
On the last day of his junior year, Psychology major Olabanji Sonuga came …
Photo by Getty Images
Gianna Prudente
Associate News Editor at LinkedIn
15 articles
Asa Jones’ career journey began with an unexpected turn.
The Kansas City, Mo. native was working on a marketing degree at the University of Houston when she …
Depending on your age and where you are in life, odds are you use social media for one or two reasons– entertainment purposes, to keep up with your friends and family, or to share moments of your life.
When it …
Quantifying your accomplishments on a resume is very important since employers do not make important hiring decisions based on qualifications only. Recent college graduates often struggle with how to quantify their accomplishments. However, accomplishments aren’t only about big numbers—anything that …
So you landed a summer internship – congratulations! Now that you’ve made the obligatory Facebook/LinkedIn post and changed that status to employed, you may be thinking about what you can do to make a lasting impression at one of your …
Between meeting colleagues, mastering skills, and tackling new responsibilities, the first three months at a new job can feel invigorating to say the least! But, of course, it will take time to build up the confidence to accomplish everything you …
Ah, money. We all think about it plenty, but it can be so uncomfortable to bring up in conversation—especially when the topic is that you deserve more of it! When it comes to negotiating your salary for a new job, …
Published on April 6, 2022
Getty Images/Thomas Barwick
LinkedIn News
LinkedIn Top Companies is a ranking of the 50 companies that are investing in their talent and helping people build careers that will set them up for …
I remember all too clearly the first email I received that asked me to come in for a job interview. I was elated, sent a response confirming that their suggested time the next week worked great for me—then I sat …