Career fairs can be a very intimidating event for the uninitiated; dozens and sometimes hundreds of students trying to impress tons of employers in order to secure a coveted follow-up interview, all within a few intense hours. Nonetheless, for recruiters, …
Jalonni Weaver is a senior talent acquisition analyst at Slalom. Weaver is a part of Slalom’s global services team, where she works to meet the hiring needs of business partners, retain quality talent, and educate candidates about the organization. Slalom …
Students and young professionals face a great deal of anxiety when it comes to choosing a career path. “What do you want to be?” and “What do you want to do after you graduate?” are questions that plague the typical …
Consultants provide expert advice and guidance. While this could technically mean providing suggestions and strategies on where to go for dinner, consultants usually work on business and financial matters.
Though it can take years to gain enough experience to truly …
Interested in micro-internships for UMKC students? Check out the UMKC Parker Dewey website.
Posted by Danielle Rueger-Miroewski on Jun 21, 2022 9:15 AM
On the last day of his junior year, Psychology major Olabanji Sonuga came …
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Gianna Prudente
Associate News Editor at LinkedIn
15 articles
Asa Jones’ career journey began with an unexpected turn.
The Kansas City, Mo. native was working on a marketing degree at the University of Houston when she …
College students are under a lot of pressure. There's pressure to do well academically, to network with peers, and to hold down a job with very little time to master it all. There's also the pressure of choosing a career …
When it comes to digital marketing, few things are as important as the tools digital marketers rely on to get their jobs done. These include everything from social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to analytics tools like Google Analytics. …
So you landed a summer internship – congratulations! Now that you’ve made the obligatory Facebook/LinkedIn post and changed that status to employed, you may be thinking about what you can do to make a lasting impression at one of your …
These days, it seems like you're either a podcast person, or you're not a podcast person. If you are (or you're trying to be), you know that the sheer number of options is kind of mind-boggling. Everybody has a podcast, …